Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vision Statement

At retreat #3, we spent time exploring our vision statement. Unlike a mission statement, which describes the purpose of an organization, the vision statement is more about our destination: what we want our organization to look and feel like, and the change we want to create in the world. It is big picture (3-5 years out) and aspirational. Stacey led us in an exercise where we all wrote a vision statement for Limen that answered these questions: What is your long term and short term vision of this group? How is this group different than other groups you give your time and energy to? What do you want to see happen with the group--personally, in the organization itself, and in the world? Participants thought and wrote about these questions, then shared their proposed vision statements with the group. The results were compelling. Here they are. Please add your thoughts, questions, or additional statements to this new dialogue.

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